
UNESCO world heritage sites

The Unesco World Heritage Sites of Sri Lanka

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) names sites that are of significant cultural and anthropological importance as protected sites. Sri Lanka has eight such sites – six of significant cultural value and two for their richness in natural … Read More

Sri Lanka wins ‘Most Popular Tourism Destination Award’ in Guangzhou Fair

Sri Lanka won the “Most Popular Tourism Destination Award” at the Guangzhou International Travel Fair (GITF) held recently in the southern Chinese city, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement Friday. Sri Lanka won the prestigious award for the second consecutive … Read More

Sri Lanka the most unique explorers paradise on earth, still under-promised, guaranteed over-delivery

Sri Lanka has gained immense popularity through some of the best journalists and travel writers in tourism generating markets who have visited Sri Lanka with the dawning of peace after war in 2009.Every important journalist who visited here was amazed … Read More

Join us this weekend

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Do you love wildlife?

Mauris id sapien nec neque luctus consequat quis sed tellus. Phasellus blandit eros at justo rutrum, vel posuere sapien volutpat. Ut facilisis nulla at est ornare, vitae pharetra lectus hendrerit. Pellentesque sit amet vulputate ligula. Nullam suscipit hendrerit metus, et … Read More

Best views of the west coast

Posuere sapien volutpat ut facilisis nulla at est ornare, vitae pharetra lectus hendrerit. Pellentesque sit amet vulputate ligula. Nullam suscipit hendrerit metus, et blandit tellus fermentum ut. Aenean leo quam, hendrerit nec ante in, malesuada pellentesque mauris. Aliquam lectus sapien, … Read More

We’ve added 3 new attractions

Justo rutrum vel posuere sapien volutpat. Ut facilisis nulla at est ornare, vitae pharetra lectus hendrerit. Pellentesque sit amet vulputate ligula. Nullam suscipit hendrerit metus, et blandit tellus fermentum ut. Aenean leo quam, hendrerit nec ante in, malesuada pellentesque mauris. … Read More

Brief Travel Guide to Sri Lanka

What/Who/Where’s Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean, just north of the equator. As for who Sri Lankans are, we’re a friendly bunch of people who take their hospitality and food seriously. With our Sri Lanka … Read More

Bloomberg lists Sri Lanka among 20 hottest luxury travel destinations

Sri Lanka has been listed as one of the 20 hottest luxury tourism destinations to spend luxury vacations Sri Lanka in 2017 by business media conglomerate, Bloomberg. Sri Lanka’s average luxury hotel rates during its peak tourism season are in the … Read More

National Parks of Sri Lanka

Minneriya National Park

Minneriya National Park Sri Lanka is located in the north Central Province of Sri Lanka. Minneriya National Park is declared as a wild life sanctuary in 1938. There are 2 reasons for declaring the area as a Wild Life National … Read More

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